| In Europe, ambient ozone levels are high enough to cause visible injury in native and in crops species. Assessment of visible injury is a feasible way to detect the impacts of this pollutant in forest plants and to identify potential risk areas. Ozone-induced visible injury on crops has been recorded on over 30 crops from a total of 16 countries, representing all regions of Europe. Crops that have shown visible injury symptoms attributed to ozone include maize, bean, potato, lettuce, and watermelon (ICP-Vegetation report to the Working Group on Effects of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution). This Web Site is an initiative of Fundación CEAM to provide support for the recognition of ozone symptoms on crops species. It contains photodocumentation on ozone-induced visible injury in mediterranean crops. Symptoms have been either observed in the field or reproduced experimentally by fumigating plants with enhanced ozone levels in Open Top Chambers facilities from Benifaió (Valencia). |
Suggested Citation: Sanz, M.J. and Calvo, E. Ozone injury in Crops. http://www.ozoneinjury.org/crops/ |
Some Results |
Wednesday, 24 February 2010 09:00 |
| Ozone is one of the most important pollutants in large areas of Europe. There is evidence that the ambient ozone concentrations found in Europe can cause a range of effects to ecosystems and agrosystems, including visible leaf injury, growth, yield reductions, and altered sensitivity to biotic and additional abiotic stresses. Since ozone pollution leaves no elemental residue that can be detected by analytical techniques, visible injury on leaves is the only easily detectable evidence in the field. Even though visible injury does not include all the possible forms of injury natural vegetation (i.e. pre-visible physiological changes, reduction in crop production, growth, etc.), observation of typical symptoms on above ground plant parts in the field has turned out to be a valuable tool for the assessment of the impact of the ambient ozone in sensitive species. |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 12:12 |
About This Site |
Tuesday, 23 February 2010 14:49 |
Last Updated on Thursday, 11 March 2010 14:46 |